Sunday’s Sunrise 1


4 days ago this was all covered in snow, but with snow last week followed by days of rain we now have a lakeside view!

Reflections 3/12/2023

We have more rain in the forecast so I imagine this will get more water this week. We’re about 15 ft above this so hopefully we’ll be alright.

There has been some flooding around the valley already. Fingers crossed it doesn’t get really bad. The county has sandbag stations set up across the valley for anyone who wants to get sandbags. The only requirement…bring your own shovel.

I hope you all stay safe, warm, and dry!

Nikon D810| Nikkor 80-200mm| PS CC 24.2.1

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Whatever Wednesday-Summer is…

Copyright ©Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Reading at the Lake-

Girl Reading a Book at Convict Lake

Convict Lake, Eastern Sierras.

UPDATE:  I’ve often wondered how Convict Lake got its name, and some have asked me in the questions so I finally looked it up.  Here’s how it got its name:

In September of 1871, a group of convicts escaped from Carson City, Nevada, and were cornered by a local posse by the lake. A shootout took place and two members of the posse were killed, including Benton merchant Robert Morrison. The biggest peak above the lake, Mount Morrison, was named in his honor and the lake was renamed after the incident. 

The convicts were eventually caught and two were brought to frontier justice. Several movies have been made about how Convict Lake got its name, and even more movies, commercials and ads have been shot at the picturesque lake. Beauty is just part of its appeal. Convict Lake, however, calls to people with more than just its looks. The unique character of the place has a pull, too.” ~

It’s a great place to fish, hike, and have ice cream at the store.

Nikon D810| Nikkor 24-120mm| Lexar Digital Film| PS CC 2019

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Wild Weds. 52/52 Happy New Year!

Copyright 2018 Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


“Wishing you a New Year that brings joy, beautiful moments, and surprises to cherish forever!”~anon

New Year Greeting

Nikon D810| Nikkor 200-500mm| Lexar Digital Film| PS CC 2019

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