Monochrome Madness 2 29/52 Peek-a-Boo!

Copyright © 2015 Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

MM2 29 of 52 Peek a Boo!

A shy Yellow-rumped Warbler that was so adorable! Taken while out birding last Saturday morning.

I think my old 300mm f4 is having auto-focus issues again. It has quit auto-focusing a few times lately, so I switched to my D700 camera to test the lens verses camera since my D300s is also long in the tooth I need to go through the process of elimination to be sure it’s the lens and not the camera. While shooting last Saturday my lens stopped auto-focusing, and suddenly my camera settings switched from f5.6 to f22! I turned the camera off and on again and all was well the rest of the morning. That’s a pretty good indication that it’s my lens. It’s pretty old now and was sent in to Nikon in January for auto-focus issues. I’m afraid it may be ready to go back for repairs again. Sadly, it’s not under warranty anymore. Sigh.  Reality check! It may be time for a new lens.

My D300s’ flash doesn’t pop up anymore either, and it’s getting near 60,000 shutter clicks. I think it’s rated for 100K.  My poor gear. I treat it really well, but use it a lot. I may have to retire my D300s too.  That makes me a little sad. They’ve been such good company, and a huge part of my life for many years. Time to start saving big time for their replacements! 🙂

To see the other images posted for this week’s Monochrome Madness2 visit Leanne Cole’s site here.

Nikon 700| AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/4| SanDisk Pro Extreme Digital Film| CS6 & Silver Efex Pro| Tripod

More to come…

18 thoughts on “Monochrome Madness 2 29/52 Peek-a-Boo!

  1. Such a littlle sweetie! We’ve been having trouble with a hairy woodpecker pecking holes in our house. One day I went out to explain to him that while we find him adorable, we would prefer he kept his bill off our house. He flew to a low branch and peeked from behind a leaf just like your warbler, and cheeped at me. Cheek! 🙂
    It is so sad when your equipment begins to need replacing, isn’t it? I still mourn my old film Minolta. Sigh.

    1. LOL! Hopefully the Hairy Woodpecker got the message and found somewhere else to peck. Hope you got a nice photo of him though! I’ve never seen one.

      I have to figure what I’m going to do about my lens before quits auto-focusing completely again. 😦

  2. I take so many macro pictures that I wore out my good 100mm macro lens. It gradually stopped auto-focusing and then even manual focus became unreliable. I got the lens repaired but after a while it began to have trouble auto-focusing again, so I bought a new one when there was a $100 rebate on that model.

    1. I think I’m where you were at; and need to buy a new lens. I’ll have to make this lens work awhile longer though with Christmas, and a couple of birthdays coming up saving is going to take a bit longer. 🙂

      Thanks for the comment!

  3. Sorry about your gear. I’ve had camera problems, but not with anything as nice (or as expensive to replace). This photo is amazing Deborah. I think the composition is perfect. The bare (ish) branches work well in B&W. all around great shot.

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