Wild Wednesday 33/52 Snowy Plovers

Copyright © 2018 Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

While at the beach a couple weeks ago to photograph the Moon we came across a protected area where we discovered Snowy Plovers nesting.

They’re a small shorebird found on beaches, and barren ground all across North American Gulf and Pacific coasts and here and there in California, Texas, and Saskatchewan inland areas. They are also found in South America, and Eurasia.

Snowy Plover

Neat facts from allaboutbirds.org:

The Snowy Plover will many time raise two broods a year, and sometimes three in places where the breeding season is long.  The female deserts her mate and brood about the time the chicks hatch and initiates a new breeding with a different male.

Snowy Plover in Nest

Young Snowy Plovers leave their nest within three hours of hatching! They flatten themselves on the ground when a parent signal the approach of people or possible predators.  They walk, run, and swim well and forage unaided by parents, but need periodic brooding for many days after hatching.

The oldest recorded Snowy Plover was at least 15 years, 2 months old when it was spotted in the wild in California and identified by its band. ~allaboutbirds.org

This one was really close to the edge of the protected nesting area which was great. It gave us really great looks, and photo ops.

Snowy Plover

Sadly, the Snowy Plover population is listed as Near Threatened as their numbers are in decline.  It’s believed their habitat is in decline due to habitat alteration, and increased recreational use of beaches.

I was happy to see this section roped/taped off, and no one breached the barrier while I was there so, it looks like people are respecting them, and the rules to stay out of the area while they’re nesting. I hope that bodes well for a successful breeding season for these cute little shorebirds.

I hope your week is going well, and you all have a lovely week-end!

Nikon D810| Nikkor 200-500mm @500mm| Lexar Digital Film| PS CC 2018

more to come…



51 thoughts on “Wild Wednesday 33/52 Snowy Plovers

  1. Hi Deborah, I like the photo of the one peering out from the sand. What a cute little bird! ❤️ I have a photo of a Piping Plover on a wall calendar for August. 👍

  2. What an adorable little bird, Debora. I wasn’t familiar with the Snowy Plover — thanks for this introduction. I’m always amused and fascinated by birds who live on the ground. When I lived in Albuquerque they had burrowing owls. During the time I worked with the power company, they had a live web cam outside the home of Bob the Burrowing Owl and his family. Amazing birds. Hugs on the wing.

    1. Ooh, I love Burrowing Owls! I’m following the drama of a family of them now that will be moved after their brood fledges. The site is going to be developed. I first saw and photographed the adults 4 yrs ago or so. It’s tough knowing they’re being relocated. I just hope they do well wherever they end up, and that I see them again.

      1. Oops… I see I missed the “h” on my keyboard. I’m sorry about the typo in your name.
        How cool about the owls! The old web cam was very poor image quality. But it was always exciting to see them out and about.

  3. These sweet plovers are making me smile, Deb! So cheerful!
    I may be nearly caught up here, my dear friend.
    I have put in ten years at the warehouse and wrote my letter of resignation. Two week’s notice and taking on being my youngest daughter’s assistant, so excited! 🤗

  4. Well caught, nice detail of these little birds. How interesting that mother takes off for a second brood so quickly, that may help increase the population if the habitat is preserved.

    1. Thank you so much Gordon! I was on my knees and elbows. These guys are so small you need to be at their level to get a decent image.

      If you’re free next week in the morning I can meet you there to photograph them. I’m up for that, and I’ll have the morning free. I’ll have to home before noon though so it will have to be early like when the sun is coming up early. I do believe it would be counter commute though…on the bright side. 😉

    1. I do not know how you two are still shoveling snow and baring those terribly frigid winters, and hot and humid summers! I would have moved to SC or Southern California by now. I say that and it looks like He-Man and I will be moving to NV and a slightly colder winter climate than I’m in now! The heat in Summer will be like our late July through early September months so, that won’t be too hard to adjust to. At least not with A/C and ceiling fans in the house. Thankfully neither He-Man or I will be shoveling much snow! It doesn’t snow much or hard where He-Man and I are planning to retire. I don’t blame you for not looking forward to that cold and back breaking work…not even Dan’s nifty snow blower would entice me out in the wee hours of the morning to clear the driveway, sidewalk, and entry path to the front door.

      The Snowy Plovers are cute though…I’m glad they don’t require snow to be present in this climate now! 😊

      Thank you so much for your comment Judy. You always inspire conversation rather than a short reply. I love that!

  5. That is a totally new-to-me bird, and I’m sad to know they’re threatened :/ So cute! Love the wide happy eyes. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Isn’t it amazing. Like how amazing it is for baby turtles to hatch and head straight to sea and be totally independent and on their own!

      Thank you so much Amy! It’s good to see you back and blogging.

    1. Thank you so much Sue! I barely saw that little one peeking up from its hole in the sand! I was panning around looking through my viewfinder and there it was. They blend in so well with the sand!

  6. I really like the POV you used, Deborah. As already mentioned, it’s good to know that something is being done to try to protect them. It’s always a conundrum when a species is in a place that people want to go (or sometimes need to go.) Hopefully this will work out well.


  7. These are wonderful photos, Deborah, and I like the information, since we don’t have them anywhere near us. I’m glad that there is a protected area for them. We rarely seem to consider the habitats we are destroying when we choose to open places up for development.

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