Thurs. Doors- Stationary

Copyright ©2019 Deborah M. Zajac ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Here’s a door from my trip in September to New Orleans.  I spied this in the French Quarter. I love the cheery yellow with the white trim and green bicycle parked in the perfect spot with a potted plant all making a lovely composition I thought.



This post is part of Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors.

Head over to his blog to see all the other doors that were shared from around the world.

Nikon D810| Nikkor 24-120mm| Lexar Digital Film| PS CC 21.0.1

more to come…

50 thoughts on “Thurs. Doors- Stationary

  1. I love the composition of the rectangle shapes in the door and the circles in the wheels of the bike. The soft yellow and bright green are just right, too. Well done, Deborah.

  2. You’re right — this IS a well-balanced shot. Really nice in its simplicity. And with Winter getting underway, it’s nice to think about a day for a bike ride!

  3. Fun place for photography! Looks like you had no people around to get this comp or you shot quickly when the scene was clear. Looking closely, it appears that someone also left a bicycle lock at the base of that post (it’s not connected to the bike that is locked higher up on the bike frame); either that or someone stole the other (entire) bike. 😉

    1. I spotted it when looking down a side street off one of the main ones. I dashed off with Big Baby Boy behind me. He was so good and stayed with me being curious and protective I think. I never commented on it to him. 😀

      It might be a popular post to lock ones bike to? Thank you so much, Gordon!

  4. I love those tall narrow double doors. This is a great photo, Deborah. The composition with the bike is perfect. The soft, shaded color works really well. Good to see you with a door.

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