Wild Wednesday 29/52 Alpine Glow in the High Desert

Copyright © 2018 Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Alpine Glow on the White Mountains over the high desert taken on last months Wild Mustangs trip.

Alpine Glow over the White Mountains

I had a long 3 day week-end to go back to look for the Wild Mustangs with 3 girl-friends. We found some, and made a new friend too! I got home early evening Monday. After the long drive home I showered, relaxed, and caught up with the family then went to bed.

Today, (Tuesday July 17h) as I write this for tomorrow’s post rather than working on the new images from the week-end I spent it with #1 Grandson, and doing a bit of housework,  laundry, and making a head start of cleaning out my artsy-fartsie and hobby stuff from the retreat, and cleaning Box’s room….most would call it his habitat.  I’ve still got a sink full of dishes to get to this evening. It never ends does it. 🤨

Big Baby Boy is coming home tomorrow for a week! We’re so excited! So, I’m sharing an image I made last month, and a tease about this past week-end. It was amazing and I can’t wait to share some images, and tell a story or two about it.

What’s going on at home?

He-Man and I are finally going to do the Wine Train in Napa Saturday. Baby Girl gave us this gift for Christmas.  Big Baby Boy said he’d stay home to feed, and medicate the animals. Which is such a blessing! Baby Girl, and #1 Grandson are planning to come over to keep him company. We’re only going for the day so we’ll be home the same night. We’re both looking forward to it.  I hope I can take photos.  I’m already saying I have nothing to wear! So, that’ll be the rest of my week. Hanging with fam, and agonizing over what to wear. Nothing to fancy, but nothing too casual either.   He-Man cleans up real nice. I hope I get a nice image of him lookin all handsome and hot.  Yes. I did say that.

I’m sorta kinda doing the Fitbit 30 day challenge,  that Amy over at https://bedlamanddaisies.com/ blogged she’s doing. She inspired me to up my game with my morning stretches a bit with it, but I wasn’t to faithful to the challenge over this past week-end. I’ll get back to it seriously tomorrow.

Just so you know… I can’t do a “real” push up…never have been able to, so I do a modified one using the counter to push off of, or while on the floor I am on my knees, and I use a stair step whatchamacallit to push off of. It’s been awhile since that got any use. Since it’s higher than the floor I can lower myself. Lowering myself all the way to the floor I. Can. Not. Do. Never have been able to so modified it is.  I’m feelin it. The squats, push ups, and planks are a work out. I added sit ups one day. I need to do those more often. Since doing the 5 minute Plank Challenge a year ago…or was two years ago? I can do a 30 second Plank…it’s not easy…my arms shake, I need to breath through it.  It’s a challenge to hold my own body up, but I can do that!  Who knew holding ones own body up would be. so. hard? Ants hold 50 times their weight carrying stuff back to the nest.  50 times in those little itty bitty antlers and jaws, and I struggle for 30 seconds holding up my own body.

Ants will always have my respect, and fear of them figuring out to rule humans. I know I watch and read too much Sci-fi! 😀 Speaking of reading…

I’m reading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien to #1 Grandson. His request.  We start and stop a lot because he’s asking for a lot of word definitions. I LOVE THAT! Some kids probably wouldn’t stop to ask. I hope the words are sinking in and his vocabulary grows.  Which is already really good…lots of $0.25 cent words. Today’s words he stopped me to get definitions for were: forded…as in forded a shallow river,  heather; the flower, the bank was steep and slippery; bank was the word that brought him to attention.  We go to the bank for money stuff he thought,😊 and shallow.

He also stopped me to tell me Hobbits are much taller than him, “like your height Grandma.”…Right! I’m 5ft, 6 + 3/4 inches people!  He’s not convinced they’re only his height and shorter.   He’s just hitting the 3ft 6 inch mark. It’s Bilbo…he’s a HUGE character. For a Hobbit that only wants to eat, and stay in the Shire he’s HUGE! He’s taken on the roll of Burgler to save Middle Earth quite seriously. Who does that? Only the bravest of the brave! He’s my favorite of the Hobbit characters, and Sam is my 2nd favorite. #1 Grandson hasn’t met him yet.  Anyway,  I’ll be  reviewing the words he’s asked for definition, and emphasizing the height of Hobbits the rest of month so it does sink in. Sheesh! Hobbits over 5 ft 6 inches. What is he thinking?

#1 Grandson can’t wait until we get to Smaug, and Gollum.  We’re early on in the book. It’s so far advanced for him that after a few pages we need to stop so he can absorb it all, but Gandalf, the 13 Dwarves, and Bilbo have made it safely past the 3 trolls, and have just arrived in Rivendell to give you an idea of where we are in the book. Chapter 3 now.

Oh and #1 Grandson, 5 years old is constantly correcting my pronunciation Gandalf. I say Gandalph with a short “a”. He says Gandolph with a short “o”.  My argument is if it is meant to be Gandolph it should be spelled that way, and the way it is spelled in the book is alph so that’s the way I read and say it.  I think the movie says Gandolph so that’s where he gets his pronunciation, but I have always pronounced it as I’ve read it. I’ve not seen the movies. How do you say it? English Majors please chime in, and give the grammar rules for the pronunciation!

I have started a summer project- painting rocks. If you follow me on Instagram you’ve seen a couple already. I left two out in the wild to be found, and I hope to leave several more this week. You’ve also seen a few images from the week-end. (my IG account is private. Send me a request if you want to follow me.)

I am having fun painting rocks.  Who knew? I’m also really enjoying acrylic paint. I bought a 10 pound bag of river rocks so there would be plenty to paint this summer.  Unfortunately, #1 Grandson isn’t interested in painting any himself. He’ll happily hunt for rocks with me, and put them out to be found, but not paint any. Hopefully that changes.

I picked up a couple pieces of what is probably slate this week-end…not a great rock for long term to paint on. I may not use them, but I want to paint a horse on a rock for a souvenir. A rock from the actual week-end would be perfect I thought, but I couldn’t find “the perfect rock”.

I’ll probably use a river rock, and keep the slate in the garden. I’m afraid it’s too fragile.  Can you say or think of the word fragile without thinking of “Old  Man”, the crate,  or the old man saying, “Fra-jill-ee” , and the Leg Lamp from A Christmas Story?  I can’t. 😂  I’ve been collecting those Hallmark Christmas ornaments for quite a few years. I hope I didn’t miss Randy in his snow suit fallen in the snow saying, “Help! Ralphie, I can’t get up!” I want that ornament.  I hope I didn’t miss it!

Speaking of #1 Grandson. I’m a bit of an emotional wreck concerning #1 Grandson. He starts Kindergarten in a month. A MONTH! Where did the time go? Our time together now is even more precious, and fleeting, and I’m battling that urge to keep him with me, and letting him go…and to another teacher. Sigh…It’s not so easy being a Helicopter Mom/Grandma. I know I need to let go, but it is so hard!  I wish I could pause so many moments, hold on a little bit tighter, a little bit longer.  I can’t.  So,  I’m enjoying every day we’re together, and this song is in my head a lot now.  Don’t you love Rush?  He-Man introduced me to their music shortly after we met…oh so many decades ago. I love it!

But, my soul; my spirit sings Puff the Magic Dragon.  I am Puff. I have sung this song to #1 Grandson since the day he was born. Knowing what was coming I’m sure.  My scales are falling like a drizzle right now, but I know what’s coming….pouring rain.   This is my favorite version of the song.

ARG!!! TMI!!!

I’ve  shared too much! I should write less and process/develop more images! Y’all know I’m Chatty Cathy just to delay doing those dishes in the sink right? 😊 But, it’s getting late and I won’t be a happy gal, or cheerful Chatty Cathy in the morning if I wake up to those so, off I go to get that done, then I’ll watch a Midsomer Murder episode I have recorded and call it night.

I hope you all had a lovely week-end, and the rest of your week goes easy, and you find or make time to frolic along the Cherry Lane too.  I’ll be catching up with your blogs throughout the week! xx

Nikon D810| Nikkor 20mm f/1.8G| Hoodman Digital Film| PS CC 2018

more to come…


55 thoughts on “Wild Wednesday 29/52 Alpine Glow in the High Desert

  1. Dear Deborah,
    Your sunset photo is stunning in it’s “purple majesty​!” 💜

    I love Peter Paul and Mary. 💞 Mary Travers touched many lives and there is a legacy the trio left us deep in our hearts. 💓 My favorite song of theirs is, “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” It brings me to tears thinking of it’s innocence. . . hugs xo

  2. I’m well behind on reading blogs. I’ve been loving seeing your painted rocks on IG. I overheard a couple talking at the beach about a rock they found in the shallows of the ocean. They said it looked like King Kong and then they paint them to reflect the shapes they see in the rocks. That sunset is spectacular!! I’ve still never read or fully watched The Lord of the Rings, but recently my interest has been sparked into finding the time to delve into it.

    1. Thank you so much Amy! I’m having a lot fun painting and leaving the rocks to find new homes.

      I think it’s a series to put on your reading list, but my favorite is the Hobbit. I’ve read it several times over.

  3. Well this post was just FUN! 😀
    I am so glad you’re reading him The Hobbit! And even more glad, as you are, that he asks for his education as you go! Niiice! Gan like can and dalf like golf — at least in this house.
    I love when my son or our ‘adopted’ kids can house-sit. It’s really the only time I’m comfortable leaving. Makes a huge difference to know when the animals are really loved.
    Several nights a week, we plank as a family. I never win, but I can hold my own. Now, upright, I can’t lift my body for crap. Not on a rope or monkey bars, pull-ups, chin-ups – no, no, no. But on the ground, it seems easier. Maybe cause yoga, I dunno.
    You paint excellent rocks.

    1. LOL! I’m glad you enjoyed Joey!

      It’s such a relief when the kids will hang out to take care of Diva Dog, and now Box. Diva Dog is getting old, and has some medical issues which require several meds twice a day. That wouldn’t be fun to deal with at kennel I’m sure.

      I can’t do a pull-up and got a fail in gym for not being able to pull myself up the rope. Sigh. I could get up on the monkey bars and do all sorts of loops one leg, both legs when I was in elementary school, but somewhere along the way that got up and went. I couldn’t do that now. We have a pull-up bar in the doorway to my work-room, and I can’t pull chin up to it.
      On a counter is the best for me. 🙂 I’m glad you can plank even if you never win.

      Thank you so much for the compliment on the rocks! It’s fun.

      Hope you have a lovely week, and your head is much better!

  4. Busy busy gal! Sometimes a whirlwind of chaos is fun, except for cleaning, ha! The train ride through wine country sounds wonderful, I hope you both have fun; of course if wine is involved, I am sure you will. 🙂 I actually had a ‘Chatty Cathy’ doll growing up, did you?

    1. No, my sister got Chatty Cathy. I had Susie Smart. Remember her? Oh how I wish I still had her today! I had brunette Barbies with Connie Francis hair styles. Never did have a blonde one. 😀

      1. I don’t remember Susie Smart or is that the same one as Susie Q? I had a Susie Q and Connie Francis Barbie too. Yea, if we still had them today in great shape, they’d be worth a bit of money. 😉

        1. She was Suzy Smart. She wore a Scottish little skirt, and had a tam hat, chalk board, and school desk, and she was quite tall like 3ft.

          I don’t remember Susie Q. I didn’t have too many dolls. Suzy Smart, and a couple of Barbies and that’s it. She would be worth more than Mom paid for her now, but probably not hundreds. 😀😀

  5. Hi Deborah, your #1 grandson might enjoy Carla Sonheim’s FREE online Art camp that starts on Monday, July 23 and ends on Friday, July 27… videos last 5-10 minutes and are for kids of ALL ages (yes, I signed up!) Check it out at CarlaSonheim.com and go to online classes.
    P.S. I’m loving your painted rocks, they ROCK!! 👍

  6. I love, love this, Deborah! Your mustang adventures and that photo are incredible. And then there is #1 grandson off to kindergarten this year. I can’t begin to tell you the foundation you have given him through reading aloud and listening, and also singing. I know you “know”, with your head. Wait till you see him alongside his peers and classmates. Then you’ll really know. 🙂 Peter Paul and Mary singing “Puff the Magic Dragon” – just wonderful!

  7. What a busy time you have shared with us. So nice to have a glimpse into your life that wine trip sounds fun and I’m looking forward to seeing if you captured any more horse shots on your recent weekend away

  8. I’ve never known you to have so much to say!! It’s funny that this is you procrastinating from doing the dishes 🙂

    If you are reading the Hobbit to your Grandson, you are a major player in his life! When he starts Kindergarten, he’ll just have more stories to share with you 💕

    I’m so happy you’re into painting rocks – ’cause you’re really good at it!! Looking forward to seeing more of them!

    1. Thank you so much Joanne! Well, I had some wine while typing up that post so my lips were looser than normal that’s for sure! 🤨😜🍷

      The sink was so full of dishes that I did look for other things to do all evening, until I couldn’t put them off any more. I really don’t like waking up to dishes in the sink.

      I took 3 rocks with me to put in the wild last week-end, but only placed one. I kept meaning to put another out…I had the perfect spot, but never made it back with the rock to the spot. I hope to do that next month when I’m back in the area.

      You’re better at placing them in the wild as soon as you paint them I think. I need to get better at that! I don’t think I’ll ever place the rock I found at UC Davis back in the wild. I really like it!

      1. Mine aren’t as good as your’s so it’s easier for me to release them 🙂

        … and I’ve been careful about not writing or commenting when I have a bit of tipple. I’m afraid of the result! I’m so anal about editing and it might not be coherent 🤪

  9. Be careful — #4 Daughter was so scared of Gollum, she couldn’t sleep! It was seriously affecting her health, and I didn’t know it was Gollum that was doing it. She told the doctor, and the doctor told me. We were reading Lord of the Rings. I said, “You aren’t scared of the Nazgul, but you’re scared of Gollum?” She said, “You can HEAR the Nazgul.” You’re so lucky that you treasure #1 Grandson while you have him; you’ll never have to look back with regret because you didn’t know what you had until he was grown. These memories are jewels, and they’ll never lose their value. ❤

    1. The only reason he asked me to read the book is for Gollum. Smaug is a bonus. Now, of course he keeps asking, “When are we getting to the chapter with Gollum?”. I’ll keep in mind what happened to the Magnificent #4 Daughter and ask him if I should stop reading the book for a time.

      We started the Wind and Willows too, so I can go on with that one.

      I’m hanging onto every moment with our little Man. 😊❤ I love this line! ” These memories are jewels, and they’ll never lose their value. ” It’s so true!

      Thanks for sharing your daughter experience with the book, and for the comment! xx

            1. Ooh! But, then you’re a great story teller on paper, so of course you would be in person too! Great story tellers really bring a book to life. In case a bit too well for that character. 😜❤

    1. LOL! I don’t think I do a good Smeagol. Gulum or Gollum, but now look what you did…you planted a seed! 😂

      Thanks so much for the comment Teagan! I’m glad you enjoyed my ramble. xx

  10. Lovely light in the photo, short “a” in Gandalf. 🙂 The wine train sounds like a blast! Enjoy. I enjoyed catching up with your life a bit, so thanks for that and have a wonderful Wednesday.


    1. Thank you so much Janet for the comment on the image, and for the pronunciation on Gandalf!

      I am looking forward to the wine train. I hope it’s lots of fun, and the food and wine are wonderful.

      Hope your week is going well!

  11. So entertaining and fun to read this weeks blog! I find it interesting to get to know people, I know I’ll never really meet, yet I feel like I know them so well. Looking forward to your photos once you edit and post them. Time does go way too fast, and we seem to notice it even more once children start school. Enjoy your day away. 🙂

  12. Wow, Deborah, you are really excited, aren’t you? 🙂
    I can’t do pushups either and planks hurt my back but I’ve been enjoying “Classical Stretch” and seeing my muscles grow more powerful and slim at the same time. who’d a thunk it? Can’t wait to see the photos from your weekend, and from the wine train. A wine train- what a great idea!!! I wanna go!

    1. What’s classical stretch? I’ll have to look that up, but it’s probably something similar to the stretches I do to keep limber.

      I’m looking forward to the wine train. I hope it’s a neat experience. I’ll let you know. xx

      1. Classical Stretch is a program I came across on public tv. The woman who does it is a retired ballerina, and you can tell by her grace as she moves through the stretches. They are stretches with strength. You’ll have to see it to understand what I mean. I’ve tried things like yoga and pilates and always end up with pinched nerves so I’m happy I’ve found something my body can do.

        1. Oh! She’s blonde and lives in Mexico? I’ve seen it briefly. I was doing sit and be fit for awhile years ago which is another one that used to be on pbs.
          I’ll look for the Classical Stretch program.

            1. Is she the one that does her stretch routine in front of the sea at resorts? I always thought they said Mexico in her intro, but I could be wrong. Yes, very smart going to a warm climate!

            2. Haha, yeah, I have to admire her business plan. It looks to me like she has a deal with the resorts to promote their lovely sites in exchange for airing her show and getting to stay there. In fact, it makes me wonder if there isn’t a way I could do something similar! 😀

  13. I love the meandering thread in this post, Deborah. Every now and then, when something happens that calls our attention to where we are in time, I think our brains disconnect and reconnect. It has always sounded like you have give #1 Grandson a wonderful head start on his education.

    The wine train sounds like a fun excursion. I hope you get some pictures, but I more hope you guys have a great time.

    One thing I know for sure, I will never invite the English Majors to comment on my grammar or punctuation (likely why there isn’t an audio version of my blog). I get enough comments without asking 😉

    1. Thank you Dan!

      He-Man and I are looking forward to the Wine Train and having a Date. 😊

      So far only Janet has chimed in on the question.

      It’s been a lot of fun having #1 Grandson full time, and teaching him along the way. I hope it’s the head start he needs to be a good learner in the future. Time will tell.

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