Whatever Weds. Waxing Gibbous Moon

Copyright ©2023 Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 


Last night’s moonrise.

Waxing Gibbous 97.5%

I won’t be able to photograph the Supermoon tonight because it’s He-Man’s birthday and we’ll be celebrating that so I photographed it last night while the moon was in the Blue Hour.

Hum…the sky is bluer on my editing screen than it is here in WP. I wonder why?

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday week-end if you’re here in the States, and everyone else I hope you have a wonderful week-end too!

Nikon D810| Nikkor 500mm PF-E| PS 24.6.0

more to come…

September’s Harvest Moon

Copyright ©2016 Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

A friend and I went over the hill to Santa Cruz, CA this month to photograph the Moon rising above Walton Lighthouse.   We both really like having water in the image, and pretty foregrounds.

We knew there wouldn’t be much time to shoot since the Moon would need time to climb to get above the Lighthouse, and it’s getting dark earlier.

When we got out of the car and looked at the horizon and lighthouse we groaned. There was a thick band of fog just sitting on the horizon.  We wouldn’t see the Moon until it got above that! Time wouldn’t be on our side.

The sun had set and the sky was getting darker…finally I saw the top of the Moon above the fog bank.

Harvest Moon 2016

The Moon got high enough for me to make it out almost completely.

2016 Harvest Moon

It finally got out of the Fog only to be obscured again.  I tried to get a few more images, but it was getting too dark to keep the foreground in the image, and I wanted that.  I was also a bit frustrated with the wind, and shaking from the passing cars which shook my rig, and the pier I was photographing from. I deleted quite a few blurry images.

The color of the Moon was gorgeous though, and it was big being so close to the horizon. It would have looked much larger when it was just above that tree line if I could have seen it then.  Maybe next month. 🙂

“The September Moon is called the Harvest Moon or Corn Moon because this is the time to finish harvesting the corn and other crops before Winter. The bright moonlight gives farmers a little extra time to harvest their crops before the first day of Fall. “~sfgate.com

Nikon Df| Nikkor 200-500mm| Delkin Digital Film| PS CC 2015.5

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Moonrise Sunset Santa Clara County

Copyright ©2015 Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

We had some cloud cover last night and I thought it might be a good night to head up to my tree for Sunset as it promised to be a colorful one, and the Moon was rising there too!

Moonrise from the Lonely Tree

It was a Waxing Gibbous 98.7% Moon last night. I wasn’t the only one heading up the Steep Hill for Sunset last night. I had to wait for a group of teenagers to get their shots in front of the tree before taking making this image.  🙂  Tonight is the Full Moon but it’s so overcast I probably won’t see it.

Nikon Df| AF-D Nikkor 24mm f2.8@ f16| ISO 100| Tripod

More to come…

Moonrise Yosemite National Park

Via Flickr:
Copyright © 2012 Deborah M. Zajac. All Rights Reserved.

I’ve switched to Birding photography mode of late and forgot about this photo shoot until Lori Hibbett asked me about my photo.

Last year several friends and I went up to Yosemite to try to capture the Moonrise behind Half Dome, but at the 11th hour the clouds moved in and obscured the top of Half Dome and dashed our hopes of making that shot.
A few of us tried it again this year with better weather. Thanks to the brilliant calculations of our friend Rico we knew when the Moon would be rising and where, unfortunately he wasn’t able to join us for this attempt. So here’s a big shout out to Rico: THANK YOU RICO for the brain work, and for sharing your findings. Also, a shout out to Dali for driving. Thank you for getting us there and back again safely!
Steven– as always your company and conversation is fun and interesting!

Single frame; Nikon D700: Nikkor 80-200mm @200mm| f10| 1/200 sec| ISO200| Manual Priority| Tripod w/cable release