Thursday Doors-Nº3425

Copyright ©2024 Deborah M. Zajac. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


On my way to vote on Tuesday afternoon I spied this doorway and had to stop to add it my collection of doors for Thursday Doors.

Southwest Vibes Nº3425

This post is part of the weekly challenge Thursday Doors hosted by Dan Antion over at

Head on over there to see more doors from around the world or join the craze and add a door or two of your own. 😊

more to come…

38 thoughts on “Thursday Doors-Nº3425

    1. Isn’t this gate cool! I love the color of the door. I wondered if all those rocks were on their property? Who ever built that wall did a great job with the rock placement.

      LOL! Thank you, I just manipulated my copyright text with Photoshop’s warp tools. It’s amazing what can be done -way more than I know how to do that’s for sure.

  1. What a beautiful variation on the turquoise/adobe theme that’s so typically southwestern. Despite the different materials, it seems a perfect icon for that particular region.

  2. That is a more than worthy Thursday Door Deborah! How bright and sunny! (Says a somber man in a year summer seems to have abandoned his country 🙂 ) And cool to know you have a second home there! 🙂

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