Wild Weds. 10/52 Snow Leopard

©2018 Deborah M. Zajac.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

I had a pretty busy week-end as you saw if you follow me on Instagram. I birded Saturday morning near Sacramento, CA  with a friend and had great success there with the ducks and geese we were hoping to see. I’ll share some of those images in another post.

After lunch we visited Sacramento Zoo; which was a first for me.

I have lots of images I want to share, but I’ll spare you loads of images and just post a couple of the beautiful Snow Leopard they have there. It was my favorite animal there.

Sunday a friend and I went to Yosemite National Park to see the snow and do a little Winter landscape photography. It was beautiful!  I’ll share an image or two in the future.

Added to that I got behind reading the blogs posted over the past week. I had #1 Grandson all week and I had no backup. Both Baby Girl and He-Man had business trips that took them to the East Coast; different states though.  I didn’t have a lot of free time for working on images, or staying on the computer long; #1 Grandson kept me pretty busy playing with Legos, board games, reading, and trying to fit in a little exercise in between the rain.

I’ll catch up this week…I hope! Happy Hum Day!

Nikon D810| Nikkor 200-500mm| SanDisk Digital Film| PS CC 2018

more to come…


64 thoughts on “Wild Weds. 10/52 Snow Leopard

  1. This was such a wonderful catch up post for me, Deborah!
    I like and can relate to the pull of attention taken by sweet but persistent grandchild for you (grandies galore for me!)
    I was enchanted and excited by the beauty in the snow leopard, Deborah. He seems so fuzzy and soft, the shot you took (and lens you chose) seemed to capture every hair!
    Our library has a Lego club which challenges my older grandsons.
    I had my toddler Hendrix over to visit my brother who came in from Cleveland to go to a nearby conference. Since he is two, he needs reminders of who family members are who live a few hours away. It was a mess of dinosaurs and car crashes! 😀

  2. You were so close, Deborah (1 1/2 away), but last week is a blur – we had snow 3 times, and at the end of the week Jacob burned his hand on the wood stove in the studio. Am thankful it’s not a serious burn! Have never been to the zoo there. Sunner shot of the snow leopard!

    1. Thank you so much Jesh! No, I wasn’t that close. I had a telephoto lens so I look closer than I was. 🙂

      Oh no, I’m so sorry Jacob got burned on the wood stove! I hope he’s much better this week.

      I hope you get a chance to visit this zoo with your Grandchildren. I like it and am hoping to #1 Grandson there before Summer when I imagine it get crowded.

  3. What a magnificent animal and I’ll look forward to seeing more of your photos, what a busy time you have had. The young ones keep us on our toes don’t they…

        1. Yesterday I was getting a big red warning from my virus protector program when I tried to comment on your post, but figured it was a glitch I’d just come back later. I’m so glad you got it sorted!

          I’ve been having issues leaving comments. I’ve been getting a “sorry that comment can’t be posted” dialogue box a lot lately.
          It’s a bit frustrating. I’ve got to the point of copying all my comments in case they don’t go through the first few times.

  4. Wow!! Such a beautiful cat!! ❤️💕 I love his/her coloring and how it changes in the light. Beautiful photos, thank you so much for sharing, Deborah!
    P.S. I’m always running behind… ☺️ Nice you have such special memories with your grandson, age 5 is a magical age. 💕

  5. We went to the zoo this last weekend. I did not see any snow leopards — Your shots are magnificent. Such a beautiful animal.

        1. Nope, we didn’t see Rhinos. I think San Francisco Zoo has a Rhino, I don’t think Oakland Zoo does. I prefer Oakland to SF’s zoo.

          Right now #1 Grandson and I are members at our little local park and zoo. It has a Jaguar, a pair of Red Pandas they’re new to the zoo, and we’re anxiously waiting for the alligators. They’re still building their habitat.
          Now that he’s 5 it won’t be long before he outgrows this little park and zoo and be wanting season passes to Six Flags, and Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. That’s how it went with my two anyway. 🙂

          I would get a membership to Oakland Zoo for me in a heartbeat though. Perhaps when he’s in school full time I will do that!

          1. Aw! I love red pandas 🙂 (we have those, too)
            We’re an animal people, not a roller coaster people, although I loved them when I was young!
            The zoo is an excellent place to walk. It’s safe, and it’s pretty.

  6. Love snow leopards and loved playing Legos/Duplos with our daughters when they were little. We still have them all (Legos, that is, not daughters) in a big box in the garage waiting for grandchildren.


    1. 🙂 I kept Big Baby Boys Legos and now #1 Grandson has them…all except the El Dorado Fortress. Big Baby Boy is hanging onto it. It’s still built and packed in the garage.
      Baby Girl never got into Legos. She was more active -wanting to outside to climb and swing when she was little.

    1. It wasn’t too much of an expedition getting from Elk Grove to the zoo thankfully. Being a Monday mid day there wasn’t much traffic.

      Thanks for the lovely comment! Hope to see you soon! It feels like ages. Let’s plan a wildflower hike.

      1. Sure thing. Did you guys get shots of the Mandarin Ducks? Anna told us about them and I’m hoping to see them someday. BTW, my cousins reported a pair of nesting Bald Eagles set up their nest near my uncle’s home in Sac.

        1. Yes, we saw the Mandarin Duck, a oupld pair of Wood Ducks, and African Geese I think…I’m pretty sure. Might be Chinese White Swan Geese, but really think they’re African. Which was new to me either way.

          There was only one male Mandarin there when I we went though. We couldn’t find the second one that was there the week before.

          When are you heading up?

          1. Haven’t made any plans, yet. Anna said she wanted to go again and Billee mentioned she wanted to see those ducks, too. This weekend looks like rain. My weekend schedule is open this month so I’m just doing random shooting, did the mustards on the Half Moon Bay coast last Sunday.

    1. Thank you so much Dan! #1 Grandson would have loved your company playing with Legos. You see, I’m a pretty builder, and come up with ideas, and work arounds, but I don’t play like you guys do. I just want to build. 🙂 #1 GS finds that a bit frustrating.

  7. GREAT photos!! I love cats both big and small … and this one is a beauty. I would be hard-pressed to say which photo I loved more because they show such different sides of a cat. Love, love, love!

    1. Thank you so much Judy! Having my telephoto lens helped get me a wee bit closer. 🙂

      OH MY GOSH, he’s growing up so fast! I know what you mean my children grew up in the blink of an eye, and now he is too! I treasure every day we get to hang out together.
      He says he doesn’t want to start regular school this year he wants to stay with me and do Homeschool til he’s 7. Can’t blame him he has a lot more freedom to study and learn what he’s interested in at home at his own pace.
      We’ll both miss this time no doubt.

  8. Wow, Deborah! You really have been busy. The glorious snow leopard is enough awesomeness for one post. I’m still drinking it in. Large and small, all kitties get that expression on their faces when they’re getting a “good scratch.” (on the log). Hugs.

    1. Thank you so much Teagan! I haven’t had a cat in decades so forget what their expressions and behaviors are. My son is the cat person in our family. Well really he’d had a menagerie if allowed, but cats are tops on his list while dogs are on mine. 🙂

      1. I can’t help studying their expressions and postures. It fascinates me. The rhythm of tail swishing, or the position of it… position of whiskers, tilt of ears… So many things that give clues to their mood.
        This morning Crystal had her check up after having a golf-ball sized cancerous growth removed last year. Fortunately it was all on the outside. Waiting now for the blood results.
        Wishing you a happy weekend.

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