Wild Weds. 9/52 Dogs and…

Copyright ©2018 Deborah M. Zajac   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


It’s the year of the Dog! I had the pleasure of watching the Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco on Saturday.  It’s always a fun parade, and Dogs were represented very well.

Year of the Dog

Little Girl in Red with Dog Hood

so were the Dragons,


even a one eyed one.  I’m wrestling with my brain should that be an one eyed one? It doesn’t sound right, but it seems to follow the rule.

Dragon 2

I wish you all Gung hay fat choy!

Nikon Df| Nikkor 80-200mm| Hoodman Digital Film| PSCC 2018

more to come…

46 thoughts on “Wild Weds. 9/52 Dogs and…

  1. I loved the husky dog hats and your dragon photos, Deborah!
    The year of the dog should be better than last year, I hope!
    My eHarmony update is I have passed on four men after second dates which one was inappropriate and the other was distant and “cold.” I have a potential widower and a WVa man, both are semi-retired and 62-63. I’m 62. So far, quite an adventure but my blogging replies are playing catch up on Sundays! Smiles and hugs sent your way! 💞

  2. Looks like a fun time Deborah … nice post! (‘a’ one-eyed one would be correct … we go by the sound when using ‘an’ and ‘one’ is a ‘w’ sound … exception to the rule)

    1. Thank you so much Denise! It was fun.

      I ended up looking up the rule in my dog eared copy of Fearless Grammar. I used that book to reinforce my children’s Grammar lessons. Although I use it a lot myself! 🙂
      I was happy to find I was right in the end.

  3. So colourful the Chinese know how to do celebrations. What did Google say about “a” or “an”? It usually tries to change it to “an”, but I always go with what sounds phonetically better…

    1. They surely do!

      With Grammar I usually go to my Fearless Grammar book by Rebecca Elliott, Ph.D. I’ve had it forever and used it to help me teach proper English to my children.
      It say’s, ” Use “a” before words beginning with consonant sound, even if that sound is made by a vowel.
      Use “an” before words beginning with vowel sounds, even if that sound is made by a consonant.
      (Reminder: consonants are all the letters of the alphabet except, a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y.)” end quote.

      The word one starts with a w sound which means me using an “a” was correct. yeah! 🙂

      I grew up learning that w was sometimes used as a vowel too, but probably rarely which might be why it’s not listed? Grammar experts chime in! 🙂

      1. Thank you for the clarification I just went with what sounded right, so I’m pleased to know the grammar behind it (and to know I was right!)

  4. Like all the colorfulness of the Chinese New Year’s parade! That’s what I see: one eye, lol!
    (but am too lazy to travel all the way to San Fran for it). Son told us when he was teaching there, they LOVE fireworks. If you take that away from them, you’re in big trouble.

      1. Oh Deborah, that reminds me how this culture loves noise. At the end of our stay, I’ll tell you how crazy they are. We went in a taxi to the airport, and I am not exaggerating – the chauffeur honked the entire hour of of our trip. Not only that, he mostly drove on the left side of the high way, bypassing every car, like it was a life and death emergency. By then I was used to their crazy driving, sigh. When we came back in Los Angeles, driving on 6-lane freeways for one and a half hour, I kept commenting to hubs how quiet it was – like on New Year’s day, and how wide the lanes were:)

          1. Haha – I think he tried to impress us westerners how fast he could get to the airport:):) This was a year before the Olympics were in Beijing, so we really stuck out as rich American Westerners!!

    1. Had you ventured a wee bit west you would have seen us I think. We were camped out at 2nd and Market. Funny thing…this year the city did not barricade the north side of that intersection so I had lots of people stepping in front of me and creeping further and further out into the street. 😦

  5. Let’s hope this Dog is a friendly one 🙂

    Love the bright colours in your photos, especially the young boy with furry dog cap. I live in a Chinese neighbourhood, and yet the new year celebration has been very subdued this year. Only a small handful of houses have red banners out, and even the stores aren’t screaming the new year. I wonder why.

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